Hello and welcome to the blog Thinking Ahead.
My name is Isabel and I am the Growth Manager of BOAVISTA Windows.

Here I bring you some insights on what it is like to work at BOAVISTA and what drives us: our culture and what we love.

I hope you enjoy it.

Hello and welcome to the blog Thinking Ahead.
My name is Isabel and I am the Growth Manager of BOAVISTA Windows.

Here I bring you some insights on what it is like to work at BOAVISTA and what drives us: our culture and what we love.

I hope you enjoy it.

Book Week! Book of the day: Factfulness, by Hans Rosling

Today I bring you my suggestion: Factulness, by Hans Rosling.

This book is based on a very interesting project by Hans Rosling and was written together with his daughter and son-in-law. Inspired by the TED talks given by Hans, it tries to demystify some ideas and prejudices that we have about the current state of the world only and exclusively with concrete and correct data.

From the level of world literacy to the true dimension of poverty or global growth, this work teaches us to look at the concrete facts and to make a truer reading of the world without being influenced by sensationalism. When I read it, I was amazed at how many things I did not really know. And it turns out that the world is not as bad as we may think.

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