As mentioned on this website several times, sustainability and climate change is one of the main concerns of the company and I am, personally, sensitive to this topic. It is therefore natural that my netflix choices reflect this.
The suggestion I bring you today is not one of those Netflix-for-millenials-documentaries that are so abundant. This one was made by a [then] 93 year old gentleman that we all have seen many times hiding behind bushes in so many documentaries about the animal kingdom.
In this documentary, Sir Atteborough tells his personal view of what is happening to the world due to climate change, by telling his personal story, from when he started travelling to make the famous documentaries to today, keeping track of the population growth from his birth up to date.
It is definitely an eye opener on how the world has changed in the past few years. In this beautiful (I mean BEAUTIFUL) documentary, we sadly see the wild forests of the world becoming smaller and smaller, with all its consequences to the environment.
The suggestions Sir Attenborough leaves in the end are a bit polemical (as most “solutions” for climate change), but are still worth thinking of.