Hello and welcome to the blog Thinking Ahead.
My name is Isabel and I am the Growth Manager of BOAVISTA Windows.

Here I bring you some insights on what it is like to work at BOAVISTA and what drives us: our culture and what we love.

I hope you enjoy it.

Hello and welcome to the blog Thinking Ahead.
My name is Isabel and I am the Growth Manager of BOAVISTA Windows.

Here I bring you some insights on what it is like to work at BOAVISTA and what drives us: our culture and what we love.

I hope you enjoy it.

Micro Interviews Series: Simão Sousa Branca a.k.a. SSBStencil

Our guest in our second microinterview is Simon. Better known as SSBStencil, Simão is a street artist and has already left his mark on our showroom and factory (see here: https://boavistawindows.com/urban-art-project-by-boavista-windows/) .

Here are our questions and answers:

Boavista Windows – What makes your art unique?  

Simão – The fact that it is a combination of several different techniques, drawing, cutting, spraying and also a bit of freehand. It may seem simple at times, but it requires a lot of previous work. I think working so hard to make the end look so simple is what makes this style unique!

Boavista Windows – Name a project that you have enjoyed working on

Simão  – During the quarantine, I used the social networks to paint two paintings and sell them at auction, in order to help some families who were going through a bit less good. There were a lot of people joining the idea and so the result was very satisfactory, the happiness in the faces of the people we helped was priceless!

Boavista Windows – Artist who has influenced your way of working and seeing the world

Simão  – The artist who influenced me most was Martin Whatson. His way of seeing the world and balancing perfection with chaos was undoubtedly a great inspiration for me.

Boavista Windows – Working at home or at the office?

Simão – I think, like everything in life, the secret is in balance. For this reason, I prefer to alternate between the two.

Boavista Windows – Music and/or book of the moment

Simão – I like Tash Sultana a lot, although it’s not that recent…

More about Simão: https://www.instagram.com/ssbstencil/ 

Photo 01, 02, 03 – © Simão Sousa Branca

Photo 04- © Martin Whatson

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