Hello and welcome to the blog Thinking Ahead.
My name is Isabel and I am the Growth Manager of BOAVISTA Windows.

Here I bring you some insights on what it is like to work at BOAVISTA and what drives us: our culture and what we love.

I hope you enjoy it.

Hello and welcome to the blog Thinking Ahead.
My name is Isabel and I am the Growth Manager of BOAVISTA Windows.

Here I bring you some insights on what it is like to work at BOAVISTA and what drives us: our culture and what we love.

I hope you enjoy it.

Suggested Reading – “Success in Portuguese”.

This week I bring a reading suggestion from José Guimarães, BOAVISTA Windows’ Operations Director.  It is the book “Sucesso em Português”, by Luís Sítima. This book deals with 15 stories about organisational change and allows us to reflect on this very important topic at a time when every week we deal with significant changes in our daily lives.

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