Hello and welcome to the blog Thinking Ahead.
My name is Isabel and I am the Growth Manager of BOAVISTA Windows.

Here I bring you some insights on what it is like to work at BOAVISTA and what drives us: our culture and what we love.

I hope you enjoy it.

Hello and welcome to the blog Thinking Ahead.
My name is Isabel and I am the Growth Manager of BOAVISTA Windows.

Here I bring you some insights on what it is like to work at BOAVISTA and what drives us: our culture and what we love.

I hope you enjoy it.

To read: Invisible Women, by Caroline Criado Perez

This month the world celebrated Women’s day. Even though equality is now taken seriously almost everywhere, it is still not a date for much celebration, as the gender gap is still quite large and there is still much to be done. 

This book highlights how the world is still mainly male and designed for men, leaving out half of the population of things such as government policy to medicine, showing the male bias that still exists among us (yes, I include women here). 

Based on very interesting case studies and literature reviews, and even though it also includes some anecdotal cases for illustration purposes, it is well fundamented and clearly shows how much work still has to be done. I understand it may be polemical but I recommend it to everyone who is curious to learn how half of the population lives. 

The Invisible Women, by Caroline Criado Pérez.

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